Cleveland Massage and Cryotherapy
Minutes from Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
Located in Berea serving Cleveland and surrounding areas.
This is the WORLD'S best localized cryotherapy device!
Ergonomically designed, Kaasen is a hand-held battery powered device that creates localized CryoStimulation with various interchangeable nozzles for a variety of applications.
Kaasen™ is unique in its ability to rapidly deliver localized ICE and COMPRESSION.
- CryoSculpting/Fat Freezing-freezes fat cells, Common areas neck, arms, breast, back, core, legs
- Cryotherapy Facial/ Frotox-Boosts collagen production, acne treatment, reduces fine lines
- Massage treatments - Sore/Strained muscles
- Toning- assists in collagen production and tightening the skin
- Skin repair- stretch marks, scars, psoriasis, eczema
- Cellulite reduction- breaks up connective tissue to allow fat cells to freeze and leave
- Hair rejuvenation - Male pattern baldness and auto immune alopecia
- Localized Pain Management - from head to toe
- Sports and injury recovery-relieves muscular and joint pain due to intense activity or injury
- Energy boost and vagus nerve stimulation-Hormones are released during cryotherapy, feel good hormones.

Located in Berea serving Cleveland and surrounding areas.
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